Have you ever felt curious about how to connect with the spirit world for guidance or inspiration? Trance mediumship does just that! It allows us to receive messages from our spirit guides, angels, and other higher beings that offer us spiritual wisdom, healing, and support.

In this post, we’ll break down what trance mediumship is, how it works, the different states, and how it can help you find clarity and guidance on your spiritual journey.

What is trance mediumship?

What is trance mediumship?

Trance mediumship is a spiritual practice where a medium enters an altered state of consciousness to blend with spirit beings. This deep connection allows inspired, profound messages from spirit guides, angels, or higher consciousness to flow through, offering guidance, healing, and spiritual insights.

As the medium enters an altered state of awareness, they agree to collaborate with individual or collective beings. This collaboration comes from a place of love, and healing energy accompanies all messages. 

What is a trance state?

A trance state is a heightened sense of awareness that allows the medium to connect with the spirit world. It is attained by surrendering to the present moment and letting go of attachments to the body and mind.

It starts like a meditation, whereby the medium closes their eyes, relaxes the body, quietens the mind, and transcends thoughts. As they continue raising their conscious awareness, they become one with the spirit world. And through the process of surrendering and blending, they give consent to the conscious collective to speak through them.

This process may take as little as 10 minutes and cannot be rushed. The medium’s ability to blend and surrender determines the level or depth of the trance state.

What are the different levels of trance?

Light and deep trance are two opposing levels. They define the amount of control the medium relinquishes to the spirit communicator.

Light trance allows mild control over the mind and energy of the medium. On the other side of the spectrum, deep trance offers full control. However, there is a whole grey area in between where most trance mediums find themselves.

At all levels of trance, the medium temporarily surrenders and channels wisdom and teachings with as little interference as possible. It is a collaborative endeavour whereby both parties consent and agree to the encounter during the blending process.

Although the word ‘control’ has a negative connotation, it should not be misinterpreted. The medium seeks out this encounter and is fully aware of their role in the exchange. In fact, it can take decades and even a whole lifetime of dedication to master full trance mediumship.  

What is light trance?

What is a light trance state?

Light trance is when the medium passes a small degree of control to the spirit communicator to steer the conversation. However, the medium’s voice remains unchanged and does not reflect that of the collective.

Therefore it can be difficult to distinguish between communicators as the medium resumes control or unintentionally interferes with the communication process. 

It is important to mention that the medium is fully conscious and aware of the entire exchange they simply remained passive. However, they can also feel the communicators essence and intuit details about their past lives as if they were their own.

This makes the communication even more personal and meaningful and could possibly be the reason that healing is also accompanied during channelling sessions. 

What is deep trance?

Deep trance is a partnership whereby the medium temporarily relinquishes ‘full control’ of their mind to the collective consciousness. Through the melding of energy, the medium’s allows the collective consciousness to share wisdom and teachings. However, the medium is not part of the conversation and has no recollection of the exchange as the mind is ‘cloaked’. 

Deep trance states are influenced by the synchronicity of consciousness between the spirit communicator and the medium.

Sandra Martinez

In a deep trance state, the medium’s body language, mannerisms, vocabulary, voice, and even accent may change to resemble that of the communicator. But getting into a deep trance state requires a high level of commitment and even after years of practice, it is still possible for the medium to sever the connection and resume control. 

What level lies between light and deep trance?

We discussed light and deep trance, but there is also an intermediary level that lies somewhere in-between. At this level, the medium can closely blend with an altered state of consciousness for short periods.

Here the communicator has a strong influence over the medium’s mind which means the medium is fully aware and conscious of the entire proceedings.

However, they may bring through the essence of the communicator. Those observing the proceedings may notice mild but visible changes in the mediums body language, mannerisms or voice.

How to enter trance state?

How to enter trance state?

To enter a trance state, begin by deeply relaxing, slowing the breath, quietening the mind, and connecting to higher consciousness. Through presence and surrendering, we become formless, access higher states of consciousness and allow the spirit communicator to come through.

It is about moving into a space of consciousness beyond thoughts and the attachment to the physical body. In doing so, we bring through messages of wisdom, inspiration and teaching directly from ascended masters and spiritual teachers.

How do I develop trance mediumship?

There are many things we can do to improve our mediumship abilities. As trance mediumship is a form of mental mediumship, we can work on developing any of the eight clairs senses, these are the psychic abilities that the spirit world uses to impress information through our minds.

Anything that sharpens the clairs will help all forms of mental mediumship including trance.

Invest in a couple of Trance Development books.

One of cheapest ways to quickly gain valuable insights from top and experienced mediums is to purchase and read their books. Currently, there are only a few good books out there but they can equip you with a solid foundation and practical exercises to get you started. To help you, we have created another article ‘Top 10 Trance mediumship books’.

Join a development class or circle.

For the newbies out there, I would suggest joining a mediumship class followed by a development circle. This will ensure you learn the basics and get weekly practice. Remember to find a mediumship circle you feel comfortable with and work on sharpening and tuning up your skills. Look for a group where you can get feedback and support.

Sit in the power

Sit in the power or regularly practice meditating. Learning to quieten the mind and connect to higher states of awareness is key to developing the spiritual and psychic abilities need for trance mediumship and healing. I highly recommend joining a meditation class or subscribe to my newsletter to get access to my free weekly sitting in the power’ sessions.

Develop your intuition.

You can work strengthening the 8 clair senses to attune and sharpen your psychic gifts and more clearly receive insights form the spirit world. You can do this by activating and balancing the chakras. These are energetic centres within our bodies that function as our psychic antennas.

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