Why do Mediums Scribble?

Are you wondering why mediums scribble before, during, or after a mediumship session?

Mediums doodle or scribble random lines or shapes, as a way to calm the mind, regulate emotions, develop their psychic abilities, deepen their connection with spirit, and support their spiritual growth. Doodling is an extremely satisfying form of expression, and it can help us reduce stress levels, elevate consciousness, and improve emotional well-being.

In this post, we will look at the 8 reasons why mediums scribble and how it can support their mediumship.

8 Reasons why Mediums Doodle

1. Calms the mind and silences repetitive thoughts

Doodling is an excellent way for mediums to quieten their mental chatter and disconnect from their thoughts. Getting into the right mindset is essential for successful communication with the spirit realm. It heightens the mediums psychic abilities and helps them more clearly receive messages from the spirit person.

2: Boost your mood and reduces stress, tension and anxiety

Another reason mediums scribble is because it is very therapeutic and can boost their mood. Doodling can be a fun and relaxing way for mediums to explore their creativity and express themselves while also reducing stress, tension, and anxiety.

No matter how experienced the medium, everyone gets the jitters before a mediumship reading. Doodling is an effective tool to calm their nerves in the minutes leading up to the reading

3. Regulates emotional overwhelm during readings

Doodling is especially helpful when a medium is dealing with difficult or emotional messages from the spirit realm. It gives the medium a way to disconnect for a few moments and recompose themselves without feeling the often intense gaze of the client.

By taking a few moments to doodle, the medium can process the emotions and continue with the mediumship reading with a focused state of mind.

4. Boosts creativity which helps mediums more clearly receive messages

Did you know that doodling can help get your creative juices flowing? This is especially important for mediums, as they need to tap into their creative energy to receive messages and communicate with the spirit world.

Sometimes messages from the afterlife can be vague or unclear. But doodling can unlock this energy and help mediums receive inspiration, ideas, and thoughts more clearly.

5. Improves and develops psychic abilities

Scribbling is a great way to awakens and develop our psychic senses, particularly clairvoyance (the psychic sense of sight) and psychometry (the psychic sense of touch).

As mediums doodle, they may become aware of an image or scene within their mind’s eyes or find themselves drawing it on paper. This can provide deeper insights into the spirit person and their subconscious.

6. Doodling can help mediums spiritually develop

Some mediums use doodling as a spiritual development tool for self-exploration and healing. By scribbling, we can tap into our subconscious and better understand hidden aspects of our inner world. By doing this inner work, we know and get to know ourselves better and can also perceive these qualities within the spirit person.

This form of spiritual growth can align us with divine consciousness and help us more closely bond with the spirit realm.

7. Promotes mindfulness and heightens states of awareness

Doodling can be incorporated into our daily meditative practice to promote mindfulness and elevate their consciousness.

Mindful scribbling trains us to stay focused in the present moment for longer. This also helps mediums remain connected with the spirit realm without the interference of distracting thoughts.

By regularly tapping into the spirit realm, mediums can build neural pathways that allows them to quickly raise their consciousness.

This can help mediums channel spiritual wisdom and guidance from their spirit guides, ascended masters, or enlightened beings.

8. Encourages spontaneity and expands the mediums mind

Doodling can help mediums become more spontaneous and less rigid in their mediumship practice. By letting themselves doodle freely, mediums open themselves up to being guided without any specific outcome in mind. This can be particularly helpful for mediums who are controlling and find it difficult to go with the flow.

Scribbling can also help mediums sustain their connection with the spirit realm and communicate messages more clearly and without interruption.

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Final Thoughts

Doodling or scribbling is not just a simple creative expression. It is a powerful tool for mediums to enhance their psychic abilities and promote their overall well-being.

The reasons why mediums doodle includes the following:

  1. Calms the mind and quietens thoughts
  2. Boosts our mood and reduces stress and anxiety
  3. Regulates emotional overwhelm during readings
  4. Boosts creativity and helps mediums clearly receive messages from the spirit person
  5. Develops the psychic abilities of clairvoyance and psychometry
  6. Helps with spiritual development
  7. Promotes mindfulness and heightens states of consciousness
  8. Encourages spontaneity and expands our mind

The benefits of scribbling for mediums are endless, but one thing for sure is that it can transform your mediumship. It can help support your spiritual journey and help you connect more deeply with the spirit world.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading this post and that it was useful.

Let me know how doodling has helped you and psychic or mediumship skills. Leave a message in the comment box below, I love reading your messages.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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