Do you find yourself reminiscing in the amazing readings you have done in the past and can’t figure out where you went wrong?

Well, even if you feel like your mediumship is getting worse, you may be wrong!

There are many reasons why our mediumship abilities fluctuate which often leads us to jump to the worst conclusion. You may find yourself thinking thoughts like “maybe “this isn’t meant for me”, or “I am just not cut out for this”, or “I guess I am not as good as I thought”.

I want to start off by saying that each persons’ mediumship abilities improve and develop at different rates and at varying speeds. Although it is normal to experience some bumps along the road, it doesn’t mean your mediumship is deteriorating.

In this blog post, we will look at the 10 most common reasons your mediumship seems to be suffering, and hopefully change your perspective of your experience.

10 Reasons your Mediumship seems to be deteriorating

1. You are spiritually Awakening

The idea of spiritual development is often viewed as a positive experience and is associated with words such as happiness, bliss, laughter, and connection to the divine. But there are two sides to spiritual development which mediums experience behind closed doors. Yes, spiritual growth is part of our healing process, but it can be a very lonely journey full of painful memories and overwhelming emotions.

This is particularly challenging for mediumship because we are constantly in contact with the spiritual realm through our work, so our spiritual development is ongoing, happening quietly in the background. This constant spiritual development can cause our mediumship to temporarily suffer as we assimilate our experiences and find a more connected, and inspired ways of living. But in the long run, it will not only improve our mediumship, it also helps us to better understand ourselves, the spirit realm, and those around us, including our clients.

2. You are going through a growth Spurt

Whether we are aware of it or not, our mediumship abilities and experiences are always evolving. What is intriguing is that right before our mediumship reaches a whole new level, it may temporarily be affected. The reason for this is that we are accessing information on a deeper level and this can take some adjustment for the medium and the spirit world alike.

When we fully accept and relax within our mediumship, a door opens for an even greater potential. As this new developed ability or sense kicks in, it can feel a little disorientating and may take some time to fully master. This is our potential for growth and should be welcomed and embraced.

3. You are experiencing challenges in your life

We all face challenging or difficult situations in life, but some experiences seem to shake us to the core. We may find certain event overwhelming and struggle to focus on our daily tasks and obligations. But this can also negatively affect our ability to deliver connected and inspired readings.

All mediums know, that getting into the right state of mind is essential if we want to communicate with disincarnate souls. So, unless we can regulate our thoughts and emotions, and raise our souls vibration to meet the spirit world, we cannot successfully speak with the spirit realm.

We all know how easy it is to get caught up with our drama, but our job requires that we learn to get into a state of pure bliss and connection as quickly as possible. Thankfully with practices such as meditation and “sitting in the power“, we can prime ourselves to connect to spirit, no matter what is happening in our lives.

4. You are suffering from psychic burnout

Psychic burnout occurs when we work too much and don’t get enough rest. Our job as psychic mediums revolves around our heightened sense of perception. But our sensibility to the energies of individuals, animals, places, and objects can drain our energy and affect our overall well-being.

Oftentimes, psychic burnout can creep up on us because we don’t recognise the early warning signs. That is why we should always pencil in time for rest and leisure in our schedule. Don’t wait until you feel stressed, anxious, defeated, exhausted, or find yourself isolated at home complaining about your mediumship.

Discover the “11 Common Signs of Psychic Burnout” and take action before your mediumship and health deteriorate.

5. You comparing yourself to other mediums

Wanting to become an exceptional medium is a dream for most, if not all aspiring mediums. We may look up to famous or internationally recognised celebrity mediums and hope to reach their level of success. But we should not keep comparing ourselves to them, nor try to mould ourselves to their image.

We want to stay true to our own expression and create our own unique style of communication. Instead use your time to develop your relationship with spirit and honestly reflect on your abilities. Self-assessment is a natural and healthy part of development, and by identifying our strengths and weaknesses, we can work towards becoming even better mediums.

6. You are doing too many courses

Mediumship is a inner experience where the medium communes with the spirit realm. This divine connection is felt deep within our souls as an expansiveness, a stillness and a sense of returning home. Although, this relationship with spirit cannot be taught, we can all benefit from a little guidance and learn from the experiences of other seasoned mediums.

But many aspiring mediums become overly enthusiastic about their development and go into a frenzy, enrolling on as many mediumship development courses as possible. But when it comes to mediumship courses, less is often more! We must find a healthy balance!

This is particularly important, if you are a clairsentient or clairempathic medium. As a clairsentient or empathic person, you already speak the language of spirit. Learning about all the intricacies of mediumship, moves our attention from our sense of feeling, into our head and diminishes our abilities. We simply need to trust ourselves, allow spirit to guide us and practice deepening our evidence. Otherwise we lose our naturalness and the opportunity to organically develop our skills.

7. You set unrealistic expectation

Setting development goals focuses our attention on the areas we want to improve within our mediumship. Whether you want to sharpen your psychic senses, learn to enter deeper states of connection, or work on spiritual development, the choice is entirely up to you.

But if our goals are unrealistic, it can negatively impact our readings, affect self-esteem and discourage us from our life path as mediums. Oftentimes, we forget that our abilities are intangible and cannot be objectively measured. Not only that, but mediumship does not develop in a straight line, it is a sort of spiral process. We simply need to keep coming back to the basics, continuously perfecting, refining and attuning our skills.

So be gentle with yourself and remember that our development is never ending. So, let’s just enjoy the experience, work with what we have and allow spirit to guide us.

8. You are a perfectionist

As much as we would all love the idea of having a perfect reading, that concept does not exist. We have no clue what a perfect reading is, spirit does. What you may consider a perfect reading, could be limiting your potential for growth and limit the spirit world in their type of communication.

Perfection for the spirit communicator may simple to let their loved ones know they are present without the need to express or share a message. For other it may in involve talking about shared memories, providing guidance or expressing their love.

Trust in spirit and allow them to work through you, and take the communication in any direction they desire

9. You struggle to Sense or connect with spirit

As mentioned above, our mediumship changes over time. When you begin your mediumship development, spirit communicates very loudly and boldly to get their message across. Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to hear their messages, over our busy minds. But as your mediumship develops, the messages grow into whispers which get quieter and quieter. This is spirits way of training your abilities and ensuring that they use as little energy as possible to get their messages across.

Consider this part of your development and the need to further quieten the mind, relax the body, and deal with your emotional baggage.

If this sounds like you, it is time to work on your blending skills. Check out The Blending With Spirit Course and take your mediumship to a whole new level.

10. You are going through a bad patch

The last but not least important reason you may think your mediumship is deteriorating is when your are having a bad day or a streak of fruitless days. Although this can feel disturbing, it is not the end of the world!

You simply need to acknowledge the fact, take a break from your schedule and do something completely different. Then take a honest look at what is happening, and assess,if any area of your life is affecting your mediumship.

If not, then accept you are having a bad day, or a bunch of bad days. Everyone has them! And, if your session hasn’t gone well, simply explain that to your client and tell them you will have to reschedule the session or offer a refund. They will appreciate your sincerity and will most likely ask to reschedule.

If you enjoyed this post, please share a comment in the box below. Let me know which of these 10 signs you think is affecting your mediumship.

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